Certificate in Mental Health and Gospel Care


With Dr. Steve Cuss and Dr. Jaslyn Dixon 
April 25 - June 13, 2023 

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With Dr. Steve Cuss and Dr. Jaslyn Dixon 
April 25 - June 13, 2023 

With Dr. Steve Cuss and Dr. Jaslyn Dixon 
April 25 - June 13, 2023 

The Certificate in Mental Health and Gospel Care is specifically designed to strengthen Gospel centered marketplace and lay leaders as agents of transformation and renewal in their areas of influence. These are individuals who love the Lord, but are not serving in a full time vocational ministry.  With a particular focus on the emotional and spiritual health of the individual, leaders will examine and cultivate their inner life through personal reflection, assessments, and experiential practices. Leaders will have the opportunity to develop tools for effective change as they shape, engage, and encourage the development and wellness of those they serve in their work, church, and community. Our program is committed to equipping and supporting individuals to enhance their leadership competencies, further develop their leadership presence, and create fulfilling relationships and lasting impact in their communities.